At GizmoTips, we’re your dedicated tech companion. Our mission is simple: to make technology accessible, enjoyable, and straightforward while keeping you informed about the latest trends and innovations.

Our Mission

Our belief is simple: technology should be for everyone. We’re here to empower you with knowledge and enthusiasm, ensuring that your tech journey is not only hassle-free but also fun.

What We Offer

GizmoTips is your one-stop source for in-depth insights, unbiased reviews, and expert advice on various aspects of the tech world. Whether you’re a tech novice or an enthusiast, we’ve got you covered. From mobiles to laptops, wearables, and more, we’re here to guide you through the ever-evolving tech landscape.

  • Tech Tales: Immerse yourself in captivating narratives about the people, innovations, and stories shaping the tech world. For us, tech is not just about devices but also the human stories behind them.
  • Trend Hub: Stay ahead of the curve with our Trend Hub, where we dissect the latest tech trends, providing insights into what’s on the horizon and how it impacts your daily life.
  • Buying Guides: Our buying guides cater to tech beginners and enthusiasts alike, streamlining the decision-making process and offering expert recommendations.
  • TechPro Tips: TechPro Tips is your go-to resource for the latest tech tips and strategies. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a complete beginner, we have something for everyone.

Why Connect With Us?

We thrive on engaging with our readers and fellow tech enthusiasts. Connect with us through our social media channels or subscribe to our newsletter to stay up-to-date with the latest tech trends, GizmoTips updates, and exclusive content. We’re not just a website; we’re a community of tech lovers, and we want you to be part of it.

Our Promise

At GizmoTips, we’re on a mission to make technology not only accessible but also enjoyable. We aim to be your trusted guide in the world of gadgets, simplifying tech for your daily life. Our commitment to making tech understandable and exciting for you is at the core of everything we do.

Remember, at GizmoTips, our goal is to make tech your ally, and we’re here to guide you on that exciting journey.


Kolkata, West Bengal, India


September 17, 2023

Our Team

Meet the passionate tech enthusiasts who are the driving force behind GizmoTips. We’re a team of experts who eat, sleep, and breathe technology. Our commitment to keeping you informed, entertained, and inspired is unwavering because we genuinely love what we do.


Akash Sarkar

Loves To: Solve Problems, Travel, Reading Novels


Rakesh Sarkar

Loves To: Playing Cricket & Football


Thank You

We are immensely grateful for your support and for being part of our tech-loving community. GizmoTips is more than just a website; it’s your gateway to the world of gadgets and gizmos. Together, we’ll simplify tech and make it an integral part of your daily life.

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